French Vocabulary: Be & Have Conjugations

French to English audio flashcards from

Use the Next button to advance through the flashcards. Click on the play button to listen to the pronunciation. Make sure to repeat each phrase out loud!
je suis
I am
tu es

you are (informal)
il est

elle est

on est
he is

she is

one is
nous sommes
we are
vous êtes
you are (formal/plural)
ils sont

elles sont
they are (m)

they are (f)
I was
tu étais
you were (informal)
il était

elle était

on était
he was

she was

one was
nous étions
we were
vous étiez
you were (formal/plural)
ils étaient

elles étaient
they were (m)

they were (f)
je serai
I will be
tu seras
you will be (informal)
il sera

elle sera

on sera
he will be

she will be

one will be
nous serons
we will be
vous serez
you will be (formal/plural)
ils seront

elles seront
they will be (m)

they will be (f)
I have
tu as

you have (informal)
il a

elle a

on a
he has

she has

one has
nous avons
we have
vous avez
you have (formal/plural)
ils ont

elles ont
they have (m)

they have (f)
I had
tu avais
you had (informal)
il avait

elle avait

on avait
he had

she had

one had
nous avions
we had
vous aviez
you had (formal/plural)
ils avaient

elles avaient
they had (m)

they had (f)
I will have
tu auras
you will have (informal)
il aura

elle aura

on aura
he will have

she will have

one will have
nous aurons
we will have
vous aurez
you will have (formal/plural)
ils auront

elles auront
they will have (m)

they will have (f)


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