French Verb Conjugations: être & avoir

Gap-fill exercise from

Type the correct subject pronouns and verb conjugations, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Remember to pay attention to the verb tenses and the correct form of you.
1. he is =

2. they (masc.) had =

3. I was =

4. we will have =

5. you (formal) have =

6. she has =

7. you (familiar) are =

8. they (fem.) will be =
9. you (familiar) had =

10. it (masc.) was =

11. you (familiar) will have =

12. I had =

13. he will be =

14. you (formal) were =

15. you (formal) are =

16. I will have =


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