French Exercises
French Vocabulary: Useful Words
French to English flashcards from www.ielanguages.com
Use the Next button to advance through the flashcards. Click on the play button to listen to the pronunciation. Make sure to repeat each phrase out loud!
It's / That's il y a
There is / are et
and mais
but maintenant
now surtout
especially sauf
except bien sûr
of course pas mal
not bad voici
here is / are toujours
always souvent
often quelquefois
sometimes d'habitude
usually aussi
also / too encore
again en retard
late presque
almost le livre
book le crayon
pencil le papier
paper le chien
dog le chat
cat l'argent
money un ami
a (male) friend une femme
a woman un homme
a man une fille
a girl un garçon
a boy le travail
job / work le fric
money (slang) une amie
a (female) friend le boulot
job/work (slang) voilà
there is/are, there it is des sous
money (slang) le pognon
money (slang) le pèze
money (slang) le stylo
pen comme ci, comme ça
so so
French Exercises