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Icelandic Phrases, Vocabulary, and Grammar

written by Daniel Roche

The Icelandic language is a Germanic and Scandinavian language spoken by 330,000 people in Iceland. Icelandic is related to Faroese, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, but the grammar of Icelandic includes more complex inflections. Because of Iceland's isolation, Icelandic is still closely related to Old Norse and written Icelandic has not changed much since the 11th century.

Index of Icelandic Lessons

Icelandic Pronunciation

Icelandic Alphabet

Icelandic Nouns

Icelandic Articles

Icelandic Demonstratives

Icelandic Pronouns

Icelandic Verbs: Be, have, and become

Icelandic Vowel Shifts

Icelandic Verbs: Present Tense

Icelandic Verbs: Past Tense

Asking Questions in Icelandic

Numbers in Icelandic

Icelandic Days of the Week

Icelandic Months and Seasons

Icelandic Prepositions and Directions

Colors in Icelandic

Telling Time in Icelandic

Weather in Icelandic

Family in Icelandic

Icelandic Possessives

Icelandic Verbs: Know

Icelandic Adjectives

Countries and Nationalities in Icelandic

The Middle Voice in Icelandic

Icelandic Participles: Present and Past

Icelandic Commands

Icelandic Impersonal Constructions

Icelandic Irregular Nouns: Declensions


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