Buy Italian Language Tutorial as a PDF e-book! Italian Language Tutorial includes a complete vocabulary and grammar review of the Italian language (much more than what is available online), with realia photos of the Italian language taken in Italy. The PDF e-book and mp3s - including nearly three hours of recordings by three native speakers - are available for immediate download with FREE lifetime updates. Thank you for supporting! Download the first ten pages of Italian Language Tutorial (including the table of contents).
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If you'd like to study these phrases (and their pronunciations) individually, please go to Basic Italian Phrases.
Buon giorno bwon zhor-no Hello / Good morning/afternoon |
Buona sera bwoh-nah seh-rah Good evening |
Buona notte bwoh-nah noht-teh Good night |
Ciao chow Hi / Hello / Bye (informal) |
Arrivederci ah-ree-vuh-dehr-chee Goodbye |
ArrivederLa ah-ree-vuh-dehr-lah Goodbye (formal) |
A più tardi ah pyoo tar-dee See you later |
A presto / A dopo ah press-toh / ah doh-poh See you soon |
A domani ah doh-mahn-ee See you tomorrow |
Per favore / Per piacere pehr fah-voh-reh / pehr pee-ah-cheh-reh Please |
Grazie (mille) graht-zee-eh (mee-leh) Thank you (very much) |
Prego preh-goh You're Welcome |
Mi dispiace mee dee-spyah-cheh Sorry |
Scusi / Scusa skoo-zee / skoo-zah Excuse me (formal / informal) |
Andiamo! on-dee-ah-mo Let's go! |
Come sta? / Come stai? koh-meh stah / koh-meh sty How are you? (formal / informal) |
Sto bene. stoh beh-neh I am fine / well. |
Non c'è male. nohn cheh mah-leh Not bad. |
Abbastanza bene. ah-bah-stahn-tsah beh-neh Pretty good. |
Così così. koh-zee koh-zee So so. |
Sì / No see / noh Yes / No |
Come si chiama? koh-meh see kee-ah-mah What's your name? (formal) |
Come ti chiami? koh-meh tee kee-ah-mee What's your name? (informal) |
Mi chiamo... mee kee-ah-mo My name is... |
Piacere / Molto lieto. pee-ah-cheh-reh / mohl-toh lee-eh-toh Pleased / Nice to meet you. |
Signore, Signora, Signorina seen-yoh-reh, seen-yoh-rah, seen-yoh-reen-ah Mister, Misses, Miss |
Di dov'è? dee doh-veh Where are you from? (formal) |
Di dove sei? dee doh-veh seh-ee Where are you from? (informal) |
Sono di... soh-noh dee I am from... |
Quanti anni ha? kwahn-tee ahn-nee ah How old are you? (formal) |
Quanti anni hai? kwahn-tee ahn-nee ah-ee How old are you? (informal) |
Ho venti anni. oh vehn-tee ahn-nee I am 20 years old. |
Parla italiano? par-lah ee-tahl-ee-ah-no Do you speak Italian? (formal) |
Parli inglese? par-lee een-gleh-zeh Do you speak English? (informal) |
Parlo italiano. / Non parlo inglese. par-lo ee-tahl-ee-ah-no / non par-lo een-gleh-zeh I speak Italian. / I don't speak English. |
Capisce? / Capisci? kah-pee-sheh / kah-pee-shee Do you understand? (formal / informal) |
[Non] capisco. [non] kah-pees-koh I [don't] understand. |
Non so. / Lo so. non soh / low soh I don't know. / I know. |
Può aiutarmi? / Puoi aiutarmi? pwoh ah-yoo-tar-mee / pwoh-ee ah-yoo-tar-mee Can you help me? (formal / informal) |
Certamente / D'accordo. cher-tah-mehn-teh / dah-kohr-doh Sure / OK. |
Come? koh-meh? What? / Pardon me? |
Desidera? / Desideri? deh-zee-deh-rah / deh-zee-deh-ree May I help you? (formal / informal) |
Come si dice "house" in italiano? koh-meh see dee-cheh "house" een ee-tah-lee-ah-noh How do you say "house" in Italian? |
Dov'è / Dove sono...? doh-veh / doh-veh soh-noh Where is / Where are... ? |
Ecco / Eccoli... eh-koh / eh-koh-lee Here is / Here are... |
C'è / Ci sono... cheh / chee soh-noh There is / There are... |
Cosa c'è? koh-zah cheh What's the matter? / What's wrong? |
Non importa. / Di niente. / Di nulla. nohn eem-por-tah / dee nee-ehn-teh / dee noo-lah It doesn't matter. |
Non m'importa. nohn meem-por-tah I don't care. |
Non ti preoccupare. nohn tee preh-ohk-koo-pah-reh Don't worry. (informal) |
Ho dimenticato. oh dee-men-tee-kah-toh I forgot. |
Devo andare adesso. deh-voh ahn-dah-reh ah-des-soh I have to go now. |
Ho fame. / Ho sete. oh fah-meh / oh seh-teh I'm hungry. / I'm thirsty. |
Ho freddo. / Ho caldo. oh freh-doh / oh kal-doh I'm cold. / I'm hot. |
Mi annoio. mee ahn-noh-ee-oh I'm bored. |
Salute! sah-loo-teh Bless you! |
Congratulazioni! kohn-grah-tsoo-lah-tsee-oh-nee Congratulations! |
Benvenuti! behn-veh-noo-tee Welcome! |
Buona fortuna! bwoh-nah for-too-nah Good luck! |
Tocca a me! / Tocca a te! tohk-kah ah meh / tohk-kah ah teh It's my turn! / It's your turn! (informal) |
Ti amo. tee ah-moh I love you. (informal) |
È pazzo! / Sei pazzo! eh pats-soh / seh-ee pats-soh You're crazy! (formal / informal) |
Sta zitto! / Stai zitto! stah tseet-toh / sty tseet-toh Be quiet / Shut up! (formal / informal) |
Va bene! vah beh-neh OK! |
Notice that Italian has informal and formal ways of saying things. This is because there is more than one meaning to "you" in Italian (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking to someone you just met, do not know well, or someone for whom you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.) There is also a plural you, used when speaking to more than one person.
Also, the words pazzo and zitto refer to men. If you are talking to a woman, use pazza and zitta. If you are talking to more than one person (all men, or a group of men and women), use pazzi and zitti. If you are talking to more than one person (all women), use pazze and zitte.
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