Once you think you've mastered these basic Spanish phrases, try the audio flashcards and exercises to test your memory. Return to the Spanish I Tutorial for more Spanish (and recordings) or head over to Authentic Spanish to listen to how Spanish is actually spoken in various countries, and read along with transcripts.
If you're interested in buying books to supplement your Spanish studies, I've recommended some books from Amazon and there is a Spanish Interlinear book with literal English translations under the Spanish text. Need more Spanish? Try the Spanish courses at Udemy, the audio and video lessons at SpanishPod101.com, and the authentic videos with subtitles and English translations at Yabla's LoMásTV and FluentU
Buy Spanish Language Tutorial as a PDF e-book! Spanish Language Tutorial includes a complete vocabulary and grammar review of the Spanish language (much more than what is available online), transcripts of authentic Spanish videos, and Spanish realia photos. The PDF e-book and mp3s - including nearly two hours of recordings by five native speakers from three countries - are available for immediate download with FREE lifetime updates. Thank you for supporting ielanguages.com! Download the first ten pages of Spanish Language Tutorial (including the table of contents).
If a phrase or question is formal, you should use it with people you do not know, people who are older, and those to whom you want to show respect. In addition, the formal you is also used as the plural you. If a phrase or question is informal, you should use it with family members, close friends, and children.
Hello! / Good morning! | ¡Buenos días!
Good afternoon! | ¡Buenas tardes!
Good evening! / Good night! | ¡Buenas noches!
Hi! / Bye! | ¡Hola! / ¡Chao!
Goodbye | Adiós.
Please | Por favor
See you | Hasta la vista
See you later | Hasta luego
See you soon | Hasta pronto
See you tomorrow | Hasta mañana.
Thank you (very much) | (Muchas) Gracias
You're welcome | De nada
Welcome | Bienvenidos
I'm sorry | Lo siento
Excuse me | Con permiso
Pardon me | Perdón
Pardon me | Disculpe
Let's go! | ¡Vamos!
How are you? (formal) | ¿Cómo está usted?
How are you? (informal) | ¿Cómo estás?
How's it going? | ¿Qué tal?
Very good | Muy bien
OK / So-so | Más o menos
Very bad | Muy mal
Yes / No | Sí / No
What is your name? (formal) | ¿Cómo se llama usted?
What is your name? (informal) | ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is... |
Me llamo... |
Nice to meet you. |
Mucho gusto. |
Pleased to meet you. (male) |
Encantado. |
Same here. / Same to you. |
Igualmente. |
Mister / Mrs. / Miss |
Señor / Señora / Señorita |
Where are you from? (formal) |
¿De dónde es usted? |
Where are you from? (informal) |
¿De dónde eres? |
I am from... |
Yo soy de... |
How old are you? (formal) |
¿Cuántos años tiene usted? |
How old are you? (informal) |
¿Cuántos años tienes? |
I am ____ years old. |
Yo tengo _____ años. |
Do you speak Spanish? (formal) |
¿Habla usted español? |
Do you speak English? (informal) |
¿Hablas inglés? |
I (don't) speak... |
(No) Hablo... |
Do you understand? (formal / informal) |
¿Entiende usted? / ¿Entiendes? |
I (don't) understand. |
(No) Entiendo. |
I know. |
Yo se. |
I don't know. |
Yo no lo se. |
Can you help me? (formal) |
¿Puede ayudarme? |
Of course |
Claro que sí |
What? Pardon me? |
¿Cómo? |
Where is ... / Where are ... ? |
¿Dónde está / Dónde están... ? |
Here / There |
Aquí / Ahí |
There is / are... / There was / were... |
Hay / Había... |
How do you say ____ in Spanish? |
¿Cómo se dice ____ en español? |
What is that? |
¿Qué es esto? |
What's the matter (with you)? |
¿Qué te pasa? |
It doesn't matter. |
No importa. |
It depends. |
Depende. |
What's happening? |
¿Qué pasa? |
Nothing much. |
Sin novedad. |
I have no idea |
No tengo ninguna idea. |
Good idea! |
¡Buena idea! |
Go ahead! |
¡Pase! |
I'm tired. (male) |
Estoy cansado. |
I'm hungry. |
Tengo hambre. |
I'm thirsty. |
Tengo sed. |
I'm hot. |
Tengo calor. |
I'm cold. |
Tengo frío. |
I'm sick. (male) | Estoy enfermo.
I'm bored. (male) |
Estoy aburrido. |
I don't care. |
No me importa. |
Don't worry |
No se preocupe. |
That's alright. / It's ok. |
Está bien. |
I forgot. |
Me olvidé. |
I must go now. |
Tengo que ir ahora. |
Ready? |
¿Listo? |
Maybe. |
Quizás. |
Not yet |
Todavía no. |
How funny! |
¡Qué chistoso! |
Have a nice day! |
¡Que le vaya bien! |
We'll see you! |
¡Nos vemos! |
Bless you! |
¡Salud! |
Congratulations! |
¡Felicitaciones! |
Good luck! |
¡Buena suerte! |
It's your turn. (informal) |
Te toca a ti. |
Shut up! |
¡Callate! |
I love you. (informal) |
Te amo. |
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