Turkish Possessive Suffixes

Learn how to say my, your, his, her, its, our, and their in Turkish

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This tutorial was written by Ömer & Mehmet Sener. If you are interested in authentic uses of language, go to Turkish realia for photos taken in Turkey.

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Possessive Suffixes in Turkish

To say “my school”, “his car” in Turkish, we add certain suffixes to the word.

anne - mother; mom (ending in a vowel)

annem  my mother  annemiz  our mother 
annen  your mother (singular)  anneniz  your mother (plural) 
annesi  his/her/its mother  anneleri  their mother 


Possessive suffixes follow the rules of Vowel Harmony. The construction is quite similar to the suffix “to be”.

For the suffixes “my” and “your”, words ending in a vowel get –m and –n respectively, without the need of an additional vowel.

āile >> āile+m >> āilem “my family”

araba >> araba+m >> arabam “my car”

If the last vowel (or the only vowel) of the word is a or ı, then the vowel of the suffix is ı.

araba >> araba+mız >> arabamız “our car”

If the last vowel (or the only vowel) of the word is o or u, then the vowel of the suffix is u.

uyku >> uyku+su>> uykusu “his/her/its sleep”

If the last vowel (or the only vowel) of the word is e or i, then the vowel of the suffix is i.

kedi >> kedi+niz >> kediniz “your cat” (plural)

If the last vowel (or the only vowel) of the word is ö or ü, then the vowel of the suffix is ü.

türkü >> türkü+müz >> türkümüz “our folk song”

The suffix for “their” is either –ları or –leri, depending on the last vowel of the word being an A-undotted vowel or an E-dotted vowel.

arabaları “their car(s)”


ev - house (ending in a consonant)

evim  my house  evimiz  our house 
evin  your house (singular)  eviniz  your house (plural) 
evi  his/her/its house  evleri  their house 


When the word ends in a consonant, a vowel is added before the suffix. This is the same vowel with the one in the suffix, as can be seen in the examples below.

ev >> ev + i + miz >> evimiz “our house”

köy >> köy + ü + nüz >> köyünüz “your village” (plural)

If the word ends in a consonant, the letter s is omitted from the suffix for “his/her/its”.

at >> at + ı >> atı “his/her/its horse”

· The suffix for “their” –leri/–ları remains unchanged even if the word ends in a consonant.



Turkish Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar

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