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Buy Informal and Spoken French as an e-book! Informal and Spoken French includes more than 200 pages of informal speech, slang vocabulary, spontaneous listening resources with transcripts and exercises, and authentic French-language realia images from Europe. This e-book also comes with 91 mp3s recorded by several native speakers and FREE lifetime updates. Download a sample of Informal and Spoken French (including the table of contents). The companion e-book, French Language Tutorial, is also available. Buy the two French e-books together at a discounted price!
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le gâteau d'anniversaire / birthday cake
le spectacle d'otaries / sea lion show
la poupée de Mélina / Mélina's doll
les boissons / drinks (to order at cafes in France)
les magasins en France / stores in France
qu'est-ce que tu aimes (faire) ? / what do you like (to do)?
chez moi / at my place
l'Impérial Palace d'Annecy / Imperial Palace in Annecy
le bonhomme / the fellow/guy
nos filles et mes frères / our daughters and my brothers
les fast-foods en France / fast food restaurants in France
qu'est-ce que tu portes ? / what are you wearing?
qu'est-ce qu'on mange en France ? / what do we eat in France?
This work by Dr. Jennifer Wagner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You may use, adapt, distribute, and edit these mp3s for personal and educational purposes as long as Dr. Wagner is attributed. No commercial use is allowed. French Listening Resources is listed in MERLOT, the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.
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