German Regular Verbs in the Present Tense

How to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense in German

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German Regular Verbs in the Present Tense

To conjugate means to give the different forms of a verb depending on the subject.  English only has two regular conjugations in the present tense, no ending and -s ending (I, you, we, they run vs. he/she/it runs).  To conjugate regular verbs in German, remove the -en ending and add the following endings (though some of these verbs require spelling changes in addition to adding these endings):

-e -en
-st -t
-t -en

Regular Verbs in the Present Tense

antworten * to answer machen to make
arbeiten to work passieren to happen
beginnen to begin rauchen to smoke
bekommen to get reisen to travel
benutzen to use rennen to run
besuchen to visit rufen to call
bezahlen to pay for sagen to say
bleiben to remain/stay schlafen to sleep
brauchen to need schreiben to write
dauern to last schwimmen to swim
denken to think sehen * to see
entdecken to discover singen to sing
erfinden to invent sitzen * to sit
ergänzen to complete sparen to save (money)
erlauben to permit stecken to put
erzählen to tell stehen to stand
essen * to eat studieren to study
finden to find suchen to look for
fischen to fish tanzen to dance
fliegen to fly treffen * to meet
fragen to ask trennen to separate
gehen to go trinken to drink
gewinnen to win verdienen to earn (money)
glauben to believe/think vergessen to forget
helfen * to help verlieren to lose
kaufen to buy versprechen to promise
kennen to know (people) verstehen to understand
kommen to come warten to wait
laufen * to run waschen * to wash
lehren to teach winken to wave
lernen to learn wischen to wipe
lieben to love wünschen to wish/desire
liegen to lay ziehen to move

English has three ways of expressing the present tense, such as I run, I am running, I do run.  All three of these tenses are translated as one tense in German (ich laufe.)  However, you can add gerade after the verb to indicate the progressive form.  Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben can be translated as I do my homework or I'm doing my homework.  Ich mache gerade meine Hausaufgaben is translated as I'm doing my homework.



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