German Separable Prefixes

Learn about separable prefixes on German Verbs

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German Separable Prefixes

ab- auf- bei- los- mit- vor- weg- zurück-
an- aus- ein- fern- nach- vorbei- zu- zusammen-

These prefixes are added to the infinitive and change the meaning of the verb.  Kommen is to come, but ankommen is to arrive.  When conjugated, the prefix goes to the end of the sentence.   Er kommt um fünf Uhr an means "he is arriving at 5."  But Er kommt um drei Uhr means "he is coming at 3."  With modals, the infinitive goes to the end of the sentence as usual, but the prefix remains attached.  Ich will jetzt ausgehen means "I want to go out now."

Verbs with Separable Prefixes

abholen to pick up ausmachen to turn off
abräumen to clear (the table) aussehen to look like, appear
abtrocknen to dry (dishes) austragen to deliver
abwischen to wipe clean auswandern to emigrate
anfangen to begin ausziehen to take off clothes
ankommen to arrive einkaufen to shop
anmachen to turn on einladen to invite
anrufen to call up einpacken to pack up
anschauen to look at einschlafen to fall asleep
ansehen to look at, watch einsteigen to board
anziehen to put on clothes fernsehen to watch TV
anzünden to light (candles) mitkommen to come with
aufhören to stop mitnehmen to take with
aufmachen to open vorbeikommen to come by
aufräumen to tidy up (clothes) vorschlagen to suggest
aufstehen to get up vorstellen to introduce
aufwachen to wake up weggehen to go away
aufwischen to mop up wegstellen to put away
ausfüllen to fill in (the blanks) zuhören to listen to
ausgeben to spend zumachen to close
ausgehen to go out zurückkommen to come back
ausleeren to empty zusehen to observe

Ausgehen can also mean to be on good/bad terms with someone.



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