Buy German Language Tutorial as a PDF e-book! German Language Tutorial includes a vocabulary and grammar review of the German language, with German realia photos taken in Germany and Austria so you can see how the language is used in real life. The PDF e-book and 127 mp3s recorded by two native speakers (most of which are not online) are available for immediate download with FREE lifetime updates. Thank you for supporting! Download the first ten pages of German Language Tutorial (including the table of contents).
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body | der Körper (-) | chin | das Kinn (e) |
arm | der Arm (e) | knee | das Knie (-) |
eye | das Auge (n) | bone | der Knochen (-) |
cheek | die Backe (n) | head | der Kopf (ö, e) |
belly | der Bauch (ä, e) | lip | die Lippe (n) |
leg | das Bein (e) | stomach | der Magen (ä) |
chest | die Brust (ü, e) | nail | der Nagel (ä) |
finger | der Finger | mouth | der Mund (ü, er) |
foot | der Fuss (ü, e) | nose | die Nase (n) |
ankle | das Fussgelenk (e) | ear | das Ohr (en) |
brain | das Gehirn | back | der Rücken (-) |
hair | das Haar (e) | shoulder | die Schulter (n) |
neck | der Hals (ä, e) | forehead | die Stirn (en) |
hand | die Hand (ä, e) | tooth | der Zahn (ä, e) |
wrist | das Handgelenk (e) | toe | die Zehe (n) |
skin | die Haut (ä, e) | tongue | die Zunge (n) |
heart | das Herz (en) | face | das Gesicht (er) |
jaw | der Kiefer (-) | cheek | die Wange (n) |
Ich fühle mich nicht wohl. I don't feel well.
Mir ist schlecht. I feel sick.
Mir ist kalt/warm. I'm cold/hot.
Was fehlt dir? What's the matter?
Der Hals tut mir weh. My throat hurts.
The separable verb wehtun is used to say that something hurts. Remember when the noun is plural, the verb needs to be plural as well and that parts of the body do not use possessive articles.
Die Füße tun ihm weh. His feet hurt. (The feet are hurting to him.)
Other health expressions:
Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. | I have a headache. |
Ich habe Halsschmerzen. | I have a sore throat. |
Ich habe Rückenschmerzen. | I have a backache. |
Ich habe Bauchschmerzen. | I have a stomachache. |
Ich habe eine Erkältung. | I have a cold. |
Ich habe Fieber. | I have a fever. |
Ich habe die Grippe. | I have the flu. |
Ich habe Husten. | I have a cough. |
Ich habe Schnupfen. | I have a head cold. |
Ich habe zu viel gegessen. | I ate too much. |
Gute Besserung! | Get well soon! |
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