Battleship / La Bataille Navale is pretty handy for practicing letters and numbers, pronouns and verb conjugations, or even putting sentences together.
Guess Who ? / Qui est-ce ? is the obvious choice for describing physical appearance. I just pasted in Francophone names. I also created a similar game (Guess What?) with fruits and vegetables.
Où se trouve ___ ? is a speaking activity for prepositions and places that I adapted from a Spanish version. [download .xls]
Tic Tac Toe can be used to practice verb conjugations. [download .docx]
Word Roll requires some dice, and can be used to practice any vocabulary words. Students mark off their words if they translate them correctly, or produce a sentence in French using the word. The game I made was for body parts. [download .docx]
Faire expressions just requires some dice. Students must say a sentence using an expression with faire in order to move to that square. [download .doc]
Bingo is the classic game to learn numbers. Download boards that include numbers up to 50, and boards for numbers from 51 to 100.
Bouge avec le PC makes students get out of their seats to create grammatically correct sentences.
This Memory game lets students practice memorising past participles.
To let students review vocabulary, use this Printable Scrabble Board and project the French Scrabble tiles so students know the different points to give to each letter.
More resources will be uploaded soon! Don't forget to check out the Youtube channel for videos of authentic, spontaneous French and the Listening Resources pages for interactive cloze exercises. The Informal and Spoken French e-book also includes cloze exercises in Word format for easier editing and printing.
If you enjoy the tutorials, then please consider buying French, Informal French, Italian, Spanish, German, Swedish, or Dutch Language Tutorials as a PDF e-book with free mp3s and free lifetime updates.
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